Angelyne Larcher is the founder of The LadyBoss and a firm believer in the importance of community. SENS and SEIF are excited to have her as a key partner for the Social Impact Accelerator and are looking forward to bringing our communities together. Being a social entrepreneur herself, we had a few questions about her initiative and what is important to her.  

Can you tell us about your space?

The LadyBoss is a Co-Working Space and A Business Club bringing together a diversity of women to foster community and connection.

Why did you start The LadyBoss?

Due to my background and upbringing, I grew up around communities of supportive women. When I relocated to Switzerland, I felt the need to connect with other women, which prompted me to start this community and co-working space to create opportunities to meet, work, connect and network with like-minded women eager to build meaningful connections and support each other.

We have to ask the question… The LadyBoss is also available for men, right? 

Yes, men are very welcome as allies and catalysts for change at the co-working space.  I believe that involving men in this community is important, because they can also become advocates for the challenges that women face. 

What kind of people and organizations are in the LadyBoss community? 

Our members include women from all walks of life: from the stay-at-home-mom with three children who is trying to re-enter the workforce to the power couple who runs a wine start up. Our motto is diversity and inclusivity, and so we welcome any woman (and man!) who wants to engage with a community and space that reflects this.

How is a community built in Switzerland vs. another country? 

I was born and raised in Kenya, and community is our way of living. Community-building comes about very natural for us Kenyans, almost without any effort. However, here in Switzerland, especially for expats, it may take some time to become involved in and strengthen a supportive community. 

What is the importance of building a community? 

I believe that a thriving society is built through a strong community. It starts with allowing people from different backgrounds a safe space to form trust, tolerance, empathy and understanding. I think communities such as the LadyBoss Co-Working Space can have a positive impact not only on its members but also surrounding community as a whole.

Can you tell us a bit more about your motivation to commit as a partner to the Social Impact Accelerator? 

My motivation to commit as a partner to the Social Impact Accelerator Program is to contribute help to fellow entrepreneurs. Being an entrepreneur myself, I know it is important to receive opportunities to network and promote one’s startup/initiative and these opportunities may not always be easy to come by. Being a partner also echoes my own values, so I am happy to be onboard.

What do you wish for this collaboration?

As you might be able to gather by now, community-building is one of my strongest virtues. With this collaboration, I am hoping to encounter even more like-minded people that want to engage, strengthen and add value at The LadyBoss Co-Working Space.

We are very thankful to have Angelyne as a parter of the Social Impact Accelerator! Are you a social entrepreneur/initiative ready to scale your impact? The Social Impact Accelerator is taking applications until April 4th! You can read more about the program and apply HERE!